Tokuyama Corporation, a leading chemical company in Japan since 1918, established Tokuyama Dental America over 20 years ago. Despite its parent company's long-standing reputation, Tokuyama Dental America struggled with brand awareness in the U.S. and Canada markets.
Tokuyama Dental America hired me to launch and lead their first in-house Creative Services department. My mission was clear: to elevate the brand’s recognition and communicate the quality of its products in a competitive market. However, the company faced a major challenge — its branding was outdated and needed a complete overhaul to resonate with North American audiences.
Collaborating closely with the marketing team, I proposed and executed a series of successful campaigns while managing each project from concept to completion. I led the design and art direction of a comprehensive rebranding strategy, which included a new identity package, company catalogs, product pictograms, advertising materials, and a corporate e-commerce website. I also created brand and media guidelines to ensure consistent messaging across all platforms.
The result was a successful transformation: Tokuyama Dental America saw a significant increase in sales, earned the trust of customers, and established a strong brand presence in the U.S. and Canada markets.